A pill used as a non-surgical hair replacement solution

Top 5 Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Options

What Can You Do If You Aren't Ready to Commit to Surgery?

Realizing you are losing your hair can often be a difficult reality to come to terms with. As you start to look into your options to manage your hair loss, you’ll realize there are surgical and non-surgical hair replacement options available. While surgical options have a wide array of benefits, including permanent results, some may not be ready for or intimidated by the idea of surgery. In the event that you might not be ready for surgery, we’ve got five non-surgical hair replacement treatments that could work for you.


More commonly known as Propecia, Finasteride is the only oral drug that the FDA approves to treat hair loss. This medication works by stopping the change of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When DHT binds to follicles, it slows down natural hair growth until the follicles eventually stop producing hair. Although this medication is effective, it is only available through a prescription from a doctor, and results will only last as long as the drug is used.


Minoxidil is the only other drug that has been approved to treat hair loss by the FDA. Unlike its counterpart Finasteride, Minoxidil is a topical treatment that has an over-the-counter option available. Known most often as Rogaine, this treatment is applied to the scalp areas where there is hair loss. Though doctors are not entirely positive about why the medication causes hair to grow, it is believed to be linked to increased blood flow to the follicles. Much like Finasteride, to maintain the results from Minoxidil, there must be continued use.

Diet and Supplementation

Our diets play a key role in our bodies’ overall health and how their systems work, including hair growth. Consuming a well-rounded diet full of nutrients can work wonders for your hair’s overall health and how it grows. When our bodies are in a state where they are deficient in the nutrients that stimulate hair growth, they can often have adverse reactions.

In cases where you may not be able to consume enough nutrients through your diet, you can add in supplements to give your body a little boost. It is important to remember that you should only take supplements in addition to a regular diet and with direction from a doctor. While diet and supplements can help your hair’s health, they won’t be able to reverse your genes if you are predisposed to hair loss.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Micropigmentation is the closest option to surgery on this list of non-surgical hair replacement treatments. Scalp micro-pigmentation involves getting a procedure similar to getting a tattoo where areas of the scalp are dyed with ink to make the hair on the head appear fuller. Though this option may give the appearance of fuller hair, it doesn’t offer any benefits to your natural hair or its growth and is only considered a semipermanent solution.

Hair Replacement Systems

Suppose the idea of surgery is intimidating, or you aren’t a candidate for a hair transplant procedure a hair replacement system. In that case, wigs or toupees can be a great option. Depending on the material and the way the wig is made, it is possible to have a hair replacement system that looks as natural as the hair growing from your hair would. As a bonus, you can have options for different styles without having to go to the barbershop.

While non-surgical hair replacement options can be a great choice, they might not be the best one for you to make. Consulting with a doctor before making a choice is always the best option. A surgical procedure that will deliver permanent, natural-looking results will be a better and cheaper option in some cases. If you’re looking for a doctor to discuss hair restoration options with, contact us today!

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